Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pure Love

My son is 3.5. He lives in two languages and there is nothing more delightful than hearing him mixing the two, and then mixing male and female speak as it is in his other language, Hebrew. But it is especially delightful when it comes to the ultimate sentence, the one in which it doesn’t matter how many linguistic mistakes one makes, it is still the single most amazing sentence in the work, especially when a 3.5 years old says it.
It is a magical stage in which the “I love you” is said with warmth and innocence, trust and faith. In humans. In the loving self. In love itself. In the beauty that wraps the lover around like a field filled with dandelions.
There is nothing more delightful than a 3.5 years old boy walks in the park, by the waterfalls, surrounded by butterflies and wild-flowers, gushed with happiness he holds his friend’s hand and says: “I love you.” Simple.
Because it is so much more than love. It is a gesture of natural ecstasy, when everything is so powerfully amazing, beautiful and scented, and all that good is translated to love.
And it is indeed a pure love. Without any hidden agenda. Without any neurosis.
It is a contagious love that makes everyone around the lover to feel relaxed and happy.
I love you Amitai.  

Amitai, 18 months old in a Dandelion Field by Lake Michigan

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