Saturday, August 25, 2012

Here we go...

OK, so I'm trying to took me by surprise to first know i want to engage myself on the internet, secondly that i want to do it by blogging, and that this is the blog i want to create. By the time i finalized it with myself it took me another week to figure out how to start, technically speaking. You got it, I'm not a tech-savvy person....I'm one of the 5 people without a Facebook....

anyway, this blog is really about everything that I consider important in life, and I'm in a good company....Plato said it before me, as well as a few Jewish sages. What i am referring to is the triptych of human experience, or the essential triptych for the journey after meaning in life: The True, The Beautiful and The Good.

My "plan" here is to explore different tidbits of life, sometime small particles that are yet so fundamental to who we are and how we all share the experience of living, e.g.: bread, toys, water. On other occasions it will be an exploration of a more obscure concepts, e.g. time, relationships, emotions.

Whether it will be an exploration of what seems to be a mundane "thing" or a deep Idea, I attempt to explore it from three different angles, i.e.: The True, The Good and the Beautiful.

In the True I will meditate (briefly) on the "topic du-jour," in the Beautiful i will bring an image which i have encounters during the time-frame of exploring the topic, and in the Good i will report on one good deed i did (pun not intended) that again, is related to the topic explored at the time.

I hope some of you will find the time to join my journey.


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your new blog! Can't wait to see what you will discover on your journey.
